Blood tests from contacts of a Missouri H5N1 bird flu patient revealed at least one household member tested positive for the virus, suggesting a possible shared exposure rather than direct transmission. While H5N1 has not spread easily between humans, experts express concern about potential mutations leading to a pandemic. The CDC’s findings indicate healthcare workers exposed to the patient were negative, providing some reassurance. Ongoing investigations seek to clarify symptoms and how both individuals became infected, with upcoming commercial testing for H5N1 planned.


Blood tests: 血液検査

contacts: 接触者

bird flu: 鳥インフルエンザ

patient: 患者

household member: 家族の一員

tested positive: 陽性だった

virus: ウイルス

shared exposure: 共有された曝露

direct transmission: 直接的な感染

spread: 拡散する

humans: 人間

experts: 専門家

concern: 懸念

potential mutations: 潜在的な変異

leading to: につながる

pandemic: パンデミック

CDC’s findings: CDCの調査結果

healthcare workers: 医療従事者

exposed: さらされた

negative: 陰性

providing: 提供する

reassurance: 安心感

Ongoing investigations: 継続中の調査

clarify symptoms: 症状を明らかにする

how: どのように

individuals: 個人

became infected: 感染した

upcoming commercial testing: 今後の商業検査

planned: 計画されている

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