A bridge collapse in Mississippi during demolition efforts resulted in three fatalities and four injuries. The Strong River Bridge, closed since September for replacement, gave way while being worked on. Authorities are investigating the cause. Those who died were employees of T.L. Wallace Construction. The incident highlights concerns over deteriorating infrastructure, as many US bridges are in poor condition.
bridge: 橋
collapse: 崩壊
Mississippi: ミシシッピ
demolition: 解体
efforts: 努力
resulted: 結果として
fatalities: 死亡者
injuries: 負傷者
closed: 閉鎖された
replacement: 交換
gave way: 崩れた
worked on: 作業中
authorities: 当局
investigating: 調査している
cause: 原因
died: 死亡した
employees: 従業員
incident: 事件
highlights: 強調する
concerns: 懸念
deteriorating: 劣化している
infrastructure: インフラ
poor condition: 悪い状態