Donald Trump, during an interview at the Economic Club of Chicago, reiterated his support for historic tariffs as a means to boost American manufacturing. However, tariffs effectively act as a tax on American consumers since importers absorb these costs, leading to higher prices. Despite widespread confusion about this reality, Trump remains unyielding in his stance, planning to increase tariffs significantly if re-elected. Economists argue that tariffs primarily burden poorer households and predict that such policies could inflate costs, hinder growth, and reduce employment.
interview: インタビュー
Economic Club: 経済クラブ
support: 支持
historic: 歴史的
tariffs: 関税
boost: 増加
American: アメリカの
manufacturing: 製造業
tax: 税
consumers: 消費者
importers: 輸入業者
absorb: 吸収
costs: 費用
leading to: につながる
higher prices: 高価格
widespread: 広範囲
confusion: 混乱
reality: 現実
unyielding: 妥協しない
stance: 立場
planning: 計画
increase: 増加
significantly: 大幅に
re-elected: 再選
economists: 経済学者
argue: 主張する
primarily: 主に
burden: 負担
poorer households: 貧しい家庭
predict: 予測する
such policies: そのような政策
inflate: 膨張させる
hinder: 妨げる
growth: 成長
reduce: 減少
employment: 雇用