A new study reveals that humans can discern odors in a single sniff with remarkable sensitivity, akin to color perception. Researchers found participants could distinguish between odor sequences as quickly as 60 milliseconds apart, challenging the belief that smell is slower than other senses. This discovery could advance olfactory training and enhance electronic nose technology. Overall, the study deepens our understanding of human olfaction and emphasizes the importance of timing in distinguishing smells.
new study: 新しい研究
humans: 人間
discern: 区別する
odors: 匂い
single sniff: 一回の嗅ぎ
remarkable sensitivity: 著しい感度
color perception: 色の知覚
researchers: 研究者
participants: 参加者
distinguish: 区別する
odor sequences: 匂いのシーケンス
quickly: 迅速に
milliseconds: ミリ秒
believe: 信じる
smell: 嗅覚
slower: 遅い
senses: 感覚
discovery: 発見
advance: 進める
olfactory training: 嗅覚トレーニング
enhance: 高める
electronic nose technology: 電子鼻技術
overall: 全体的に
deepens: 深める
understanding: 理解
human olfaction: 人間の嗅覚
emphasizes: 強調する
importance: 重要性
timing: タイミング
distinguishing smells: 匂いの区別