Mike Grossman traveled to Melbourne in 1988, determined not to fall in love. However, after meeting Wati Abdurrachman at a work event, they formed an immediate bond. Their relationship deepened during Mike’s short stay, leading him to pursue a long-distance relationship. Despite challenges, they married in 1990 and built a life together across the US and Australia, supporting each other’s careers and raising two children, while cherishing their shared values and experiences.


traveled: 旅行した

Melbourne: メルボルン

determined: 決意した

fall in love: 恋に落ちる

meeting: 出会い

work event: 職場のイベント

formed: 形成した

immediate bond: 即座の絆

relationship: 関係

deepened: 深まった

short stay: 短い滞在

pursue: 追求する

long-distance relationship: 遠距離恋愛

challenges: 課題

married: 結婚した

built: 築いた

life: 生活

together: 一緒に

supporting: 支援する

each other’s: お互いの

careers: キャリア

raising: 育てる

children: 子供

cherishing: 大切にする

shared values: 共有された価値

experiences: 経験


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